Friday, November 14, 2008

Mega-update of Life, 3 months worth of knowledge

Ok there has been a huge lack of updates on my part, maybe because there were a lot of factors that interrupted my blogging time... *cough cough* games, anime, assingments *cough cough*. So here is a quick rundown of my life of the pass 3 months.

Assignments and quizzes were all the rage then, the game that was probably most likely taking over my life back then was Disgaea, Warcraft 3 FT,the Phoenix Wright Saga (effing kick ass series), tales of the world and probably many more. Now atm Time Hollow (DS), Samurai Warriors (PSP) and Puchi2 Virus (DS). Oh and DoTA (Warcraft - PC).

Anyway... I joined a club my friend recommended to me who is currently in America atm and has been bugging me for a blog post for ages, so I think this is the umpteenth time he's asked me to, so I decided to put down my psp, ds and mouse and type a blog post.

The club I had joined was called UQWasabi, I met up with one of the comittee members and I ended up being co-leader of two groups (Anime and Song and Dance session) and part of the comittee before I had joined officially. The first few sessions imo were a bit dodgy but that was a miscommunication error on both of our parts. The comittee meetings though convient to use msn was a bit of a buzz kill for me, as I am anal and have my messages time coded, any comment I made was ignored (they continued on with their own discussion) or a minute or two of silence and then they continued to talk about whatever they were talking to. As I learnt in one of my Psychology classes this semester though I wanted to be more productive, I ended conforming to group norms so I wouldn't be stigmatised and being ambushed by the other members. But all and all a good group, probably decent people if I met them in person and not secretly judging them based on their text colour, alias, and whatever language they used for their name.

Enough of my bitching about comittee members, now for the sessions. Ok the first few sessions were a bit of a downer for me at the start, I was incredibly nervous to take on the anime session after the other co-leader gave me a tongue lashing after I posted my thoughts on the official forum. So I was incredibly nervous and worried that it might not go so well. In my opinion it felt like it went very well, as in the anime session these people were more introverted than extroverted, I could talk to them very easily, especially this one guy, though I thought I was a hardcore anime/gamer, this guy totally trumped me. He's an MMO God, playing from all these mmo's I haven't even heard of, discussing strategy and tactics. He showed me some really good footage from E.V.E, and showed me all these other crazy videos such as Dead Fantasy II. Anime-wise, wow I've met my match to who has watched more anime than I, he is also a manga reader, something that I should do but tend to lack the time to. XD.

Oh well better stop obsessing and start talking about the other session (Song and Dance). I wasn't too thrilled about it, this bunch seemed more extraverted and they seemed to know each other very well, so I felt that it would be tough getting to know them and start feeling like it was for fun. I don't wanna get into it much here but if you want full details about this particular session, drop a line on my msn.

October this year was a really joyous occasion for our family. My uncle came up to visit for about a week, my brother came up to, and the reason why my brother came up is beacause one of our cousins was getting married and one of our family friend's son too. Weddings are happy occassions so I got nothing bad to say about them... I will say though that I hate shopping for formal wear for those happy occasions. XD

November, omg, the exams from hell, my timetable for my exams were the 10th (my birthday at 5:45pm), the 11th (8am) and the 12 (8am). The exams I thought overall weren't too bad, they didn't catch me off guard but they weren't so mind numbingly boring that I would fall asleep. I have results for two of my subjects so far, two 5's, hoping to get 5+ for the other ones. Oh and another tidbit that my mum pointed out was that my western birthday fell onto the same day as my chinese birthday (apparently instead of 1 day leap year they get a whole extra month but with 30day months), so I did feel totally excited about that, though I did feel like major crap knowing two exams were coming to beat me up. It also felt really nice and made me less anxious that I had made better friendships and friends because this year I got about 8-10 birthday wishes compared to the 1-2 wishes last year. Really good boost in self-esteem, which I probably haven't told many people I lack of *puts up facade of smiles*. >.>

With those boosts in self-esteem though, I have decided to try and blog more, use facebook more, and submit art to an art site, oh and I'm going to try and get a part-time job, so I can support my expensive hobby which will be discussed later these holidays.

Catch my escapades on the artsite here :

Well I'm going to log, thats probably the general gist of my life for the past 3 months, it feels good to finally tear pieces of my mask off, and the armour surrounding my heart.