Titles as followed:
- 'One Small Step to Drive, one Giant Leap towards Maturation'
- 'Goals before I'm 20. "Yikes its so soon".'
- 'Prelude to 100'
'One Small Step to Drive, one Giant Leap towards Maturation'

Approximately $90 later and a photo I had received my licence fwee~ *throws confetti in the air*. On that day I decided I wanted to get my 'P' Plates before I turn 20. I've never set any goals for myself until now or rather I'd set them but abandon them thinking they were just impossible dreams. Well on that day it gave birth to the Goal list.
'Goals before I'm 20. "Yikes its so soon".'
On the day that I payed for my learners <*grumble* $90> I decided that I need to be a bit more mature and needed to set goals for myself, otherwise the days of my youth will slip away and I would have accomplished nothing. So here are my goals: (note: I wanted 20 goals so I could have the title 20 Goals before I'm 20, but could only think of 10 *stream of tears running down face*)
(not in any particular order)
1. 'P' Plates
2. Lose the Gut
3. Get a Job
4. Webcomic/graphic novel with 100 strips
5. Cook a Family Dinner
6. Learn a Foreign Language
7. Start Syncing songs for Karaoke (at least 50-75 songs)
8. Have a Flash Animation (in conjuction with the webcomic / graphic novel)
9. A committed relationship with a girl (pre-requisite - job and lose the gut)
10. Save at least $5000
So thats the 10 goals I have for now, and now the reasoning behind those goals. Most of them have to do with survival outside the family home (where for me its a non-rent place to live) and if I'm able to do them, I get one step closer to becoming a mature adult or as out of the routine of being an immature idiot ^^; (baka rangers ho!).
1. 'P' Plates
First off I want to prove to myself and to others that if I get off my lazy ass I can achieve my goals. I wish to prove myself because some of my friends have their learners and are yet to get their 'P' Plates, which gives me an added incentive to beat them. It'll probably be a great feeling for me, which probably run along the lines of 'you have received crushing defeat against a n00b'.
2. Lose the Gut
Okay well, this is more of a self-esteem issue more so than anything else. Yes yes, 'beauty is only skin deep' but I'll feel a lot better when I have lost it or lost most of it. I try and exercise everyday unless I'm in a crappy mood or I get enthralled with an anime or a sitcom. I started to exercise regularly and pump iron, before the first semester of uni started. The results after 7 months, I have lost a bit of fat, I have gotten a lot stronger and it feels good to do push ups without collapsing to the ground after 2 (currently can do 15 in a row (haven't checked if I can do more because I do 15 per set (4 sets per workout))). From 1-2 pushups to 15, from out of breath running a couple of laps, to running with good consistency. Gut still present but slimmed down a bit woopee! ^_^
3. Get a Job
This is obvious, to earn money and to get work experience for later. I've always wanted to get a job, but my lazy ass decided against it just telling myself its alright. I help my mum on occasion with her work and get paid for it but since she is taking less work (semi-retiring), I decided to go see if I can get a job. Will try and create a resume tomorrow and go down to my local shopping centre and drop 'em off to wherever I can.
4.Webcomic / Graphic Novel 100 strips
Ok, I have had a lot of ideas for mangas/comics (the time it will take to type and explain them all, it will probably be 3am onwards) but I never fufilled them, mainly due to laziness and my drawing ability not on par with some of my favourite artists which most of 'em are my friends {Alias: Sanchine and Phanima}.
So I decided to create the manga for the struggling artist(s) or the artist(s) which may feel incompetent compared to others or pros. I'll be telling the time I took to draw, the inspiration of the strip and future goals (I want to lineart but I'll settle for pencil to paper etc.). Inspired by my friend (who is a fantastic artist {codename : Sanchine}) and by my many promises to my friends to get something running I got sick and tired of my empty promises and set the somewhat impossible goal of 100 strips (approx 2.X a week, which doesn't sound too bad, but take into account me playing games, anime watching, singing to myself, uni etc., the time adds up and its 100 different ideas).
Note: As of 25/07/08 I have the design of the characters, now all I gotta do is put them into situations and draw the strips.
5. Cook a Family Dinner
I have never cooked a Family Dinner before, I wish to learn to give my mum a break whenever she is swamped by work, I wish one day to say, 'hey mum take a break, I got dinner handled'.
6. Learn a foreign language
This has been on my mind for a while now. I just never got around to it *cough* laziness *cough cough*. I'm either deciding between Cantonese or Japanese, both would be good for international work, japanese for games and anime, cantonese for conversation with relatives. Hmm recreational or relatives? *begins to sweat*
7. Start Syncing songs for Karaoke (at least 50-75 songs)
This is mainly for recreation but I would like to start karoake as a means to bond with friends and such, and get better at my timing and singing ^^;.
8. Have a Flash Animation (in conjuction with the webcomic / graphic novel)
This has been on my mind for awhile too, it is based on a character that I wanted to use for awhile now, if you wish for more info on this character drop me a line or an email and I'll fill you in on the details. I don't want any idea stealing happening. "Must protect my preciouses".
9. A committed relationship with a girl (pre-requisite - job and lose the gut)
After I get a stable income and I get over my esteem issues, it will be a good time to get a girl friend. I hope to be in a relationship before I am 20, so we can be uni-sweethearts or something <3 style="font-style: italic;">10. Save at least $5000
$5000 is the minimum and any extra will be great. If I can get a decent pay check I would like to buy some 'wants' (anime figures, shares, books, games, another laptop etc.) and be able to have $5000 to spare for later like a car.
I feel as though that I'm beginning to mature as a person, and it gives me something to strive for rather than just sit and wait and do nothing at all.
'Prelude to 100'
Instead of paying attention in the first week of uni, I decided to spend my time creating the design for the characters of my comic. Well without further a do. Here are the sketches: